March 10, 2025

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Albarka Radio: Celebrating four years of transformation through programming

By Usman Abdullahi Koli


With global communication becoming so easy now a days after the first invention of radio by Guglielmo Marconi in 1985, it has traversed different stages of evolution and series of transformations which gave birth to present radio set we see and use.

Radio is considered globally as the simplest means of disseminating information, because of its peculiar features such as portability, immediacy, transient nature among others. In today’s world, especially in the developing countries of Africa, there exist more radio sets than television, newspapers and cinema houses, because radio does not require much financial resources, and thus, can be afforded by all. Radio stations are comparatively inexpensive to run, after the initial capital outlay of transmitters and receivers.

Following the deregulation of airwaves in 1993 which allowed individuals and groups to own and operate private broadcast media in Nigeria, several media outlets came in to being, and helped in bringing new changes and effective service deliveries in terms of information dissemination and competitions.

Retired Media personalities and wealthy individuals have established several radio and television stations in order to have means of earning a living. This desperation for materialism makes some of these stations turn to tools for praise singing for politicians and political parties, and in many cases they operate against professional decorum of journalism. However, this is not to generalise, because some stations stand out to make a difference.

In his unique way of paying back to his home state, the tireless philanthropist, seasoned journalist, skilled broadcaster, easy-going personality, kindhearted father of all Dr. Ladan Salihu established ‘Albarka Radio’, which is the first private indigenous radio station in Bauchi State.

The extraordinary Albarka Radio is a station that broadcast on 97.5 frequency modulation (FM), which started full operation on November 1st, 2017 after it was granted official license by the National Broadcasting Commission. The station within the four-year operations engages so much in development journalism, as most of the programmes produced by Albarka Radio have direct impact on the lives of the populace, especially ordinary citizens. One of such formidable programmes is ‘Gatarin Gwari’, an audience-participatory programme on which issues bedeviling people and societies are discussed with experts. The station welcomes people from all faiths and treats them equally without discrimination.

Youth who are the backbone of development are not left out as special programme was created primarily to orient them of dangers of political thuggery, abusing drugs and other heinous activities like rape, robbery, etc. Another special programme is also in place which informs all listeners on ancient history of our fore-fathers, cultures and monumental artifacts in order to make the contemporary generation know their pedigree as well as passing it on to the future generations.

‘Daga Wakilanmu’ is another development support programme that is serving as an avenue for village dwellers to express their minds regarding projects and what they desperately need from State government.

As the gentle giant Albarka Radio is celebrating four years of uninterrupted life-changing programmes, the staff and leaders overseeing the affairs of the station should bear in minds that they are the voice of the voiceless, pioneers in bringing developments and acting as bridge between government and citizens.

It is of Paramount to continue bringing the best in them and training potential future journalists that annually come for Industrial Trainings; keeping them busy and training them will lead to hatching proficient journalists that would take journalism to greater height.

The act of allowing personnels that are working with the station from different departments to present programmes in other departments is commendable as whenever the actual presenter is absent or sick the programme would not be interrupted.

Not only that, Albarka Radio is the only station in Bauchi State that set time on every monday morning for those that pay courtesy visit to be heard, that dulcetic effort alone has influenced many to develop interest in to the field of journalism.

In conclusion, I must humbly submit that the success of Albarka Radio is nothing but the reflection of the efforts of the management. Without prejudice, let me, in particular, mention the General Manager Alh. Dauda Muhammad Chiroma; Head of programs Nasir Umar Madachi; Head of Administration Isah Ahmad Getso; Head of Marketing Bala Dahiru; Head of News and current affairs Muhammad Ibrahim; Head of presentation Amina Aliyu and Head of Engineering Zahraddin Muhammad. They are the engine room propelling the progress of the station. To my colleague staff, I enjoy working in the team of progressive-minded people.

Indeed, the word ‘Albarka’ (blessing) has reflected in the operations of the station. May the Almighty God continue to bless the station and grant its indefatigable staff unending wisdoms, unstoppable agility, incomparable ideas to continue broadcasting useful programmes. Amen

Usman Abdullahi Koli,

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