March 10, 2025

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Case of Betrayal: Tinubu and APC Political Squabbles

By Abdulrahman Yunusa


Although aside the obvious fact that “Politics is a game of interest” there is also this saying in politics that “Always prepare for the worse” more relatively when conflictual parties are ruthlessly fighting each other and recklessly diving in to the lake of power aiming both to emerge as winners of the race.

Perhaps it might sound reasonable politically but honestly with the way and manner I see APC are mishandling Tinibus fate i begin to pity him. Not because as his lover but for the sake of humanity. That man in 2015 sold all that he has at his disposal ; Money, power, influence and life to make sure that Buhari had succeeded in his presidential campaign.

Loo and behold Buhari became what he has been dreaming and yearning over years. President of Nigeria with the ultimate assistance of Tinibu’s home ( Southwest ) thus they both entered an Open agreement with Southwest about power transition from his hand to that of his giant political ally Tinibu.

And it’s an undeniable fact that without Tinibu, Buhari couldn’t have found his presidential ambition actualized in 2015. His alliance with Buhari made that 12 useful then, of which if not because of his political succor the flaunting votes bank would have been useless as trash.

Therefore any political permutations that will take place in APC that won’t favor Tinibu’s ambition in 2023 is dead on arrival and it’s an outright sheer of betrayal of trust. Although, betrayal is not something new in politics but that should top the list of political betrayal in the history of contemporary Nigerian politics.

However, I don’t think Tinibu has the ultimate wherewithal to win 2023 poll against his opponent Atiku Abubakar of PDP party. I clearly cite Atiku as his main opponent not because he is the only one contesting the seat but probably because he is the only one having the enough resources to challenge him at all phases.

Yet, If APC insist on selling someone to Nigerians apart from Tinibu as their party flag-bearer – I reckon that Yerbawas would never trust North again although it’s apparent that they fall in to that political trap for the simple reason of their political greediness. They thought their journey to presidency would be easily achieved under his watch – and unfortunately here we are today.

As I always use to say, North would forever be the political fate determinant of any political figure flaunting himself within the political realm in Nigeria. They have the votes and they have the political master players who knows the art of politics better than anyone from the rest of the regions. Therefore North is indispensable factor in Nigerian politics.

To this length, I can say Tinibu has all it takes to stand firmly to claim his right in the hands of bunch of ingrates who are moving helter skelter to cease it from his side. Meanwhile if we are to talk about the right heir of APC presidential aspirant, then of course, without an iota of Tinibu will be the only legitimate heir of that mandate.

Nonetheless with Tinibu on the losing side in APC current political upheavals and squables, then the decay of the rulling party at the center is imminent. For the fact that the giant pillar is broken down an the party will be left with no stamina to withstand the political blow and challenges that might wreck the party.

I pray that APC stick to the 2015 aftermath election agreement. For the benefit of the party and for the benefit of democracy. We don’t want to be seeing parties decaying after few years of performance in a politically developing country like Nigeria. Hence with Tinibu at the winning side in the current APC debacle I wish to see things unfold.

Although I sense more drama to evoke because the issue of running mate would be such an intense one to an extent that if care is not taken it may cost them the poll. Yet I wish they pay Tinibu in Gold to reciprocate the kind gesture they enjoyed during the hurricane of political change in 2015.

All in all, I pray a better outing in 2023 election. I wish to see to shrewd, knowledgeable as well as capacitated political giants wallowing in the ring the political ring as contestants. People that will have a clear blue print about how to transform and rejuvenate Nigeria from grass to grace and above all from hell oh earth to heaven alike.

May Rif-raff win the battle at last

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