March 12, 2025

Date palm: A Fruit for life

By Khadija Kasim Ibrahim


Dates palm or phoenix dactyferais a flowering plant species in the palm family called arecaceae cultivated for its edible sweet fruit. Although its place of origin is unknown because of long region straddling between Egypt and mesopotamia.

The species is widely cultivated across Northern Africa, Middle East and Sourthern parts of Asia, and it naturalised in many tropical and sub-tropical regions worldwide. Dates trees typically reach about 21-23 metres ( 69-75 ) in heights growing stingly or forming a clump with several stems from a single root system.

During Ramadan Fasting, Dates are been consumed in both fresh and dried forms especially when breaking Fasting in the evening. They are sweet with rich deep flavour and a slightly chewy texture. They can be chopped, candied,stuffed and added to various recipes. Various health practisioners around the globe have reaffirm the nutritional benefits content by Dates fruit which generates various minerals to the body.

According to a toxicologiest, Dr. Timothy Samuel from pharmocology and toxicology department of University of Maiduguri, said that Dates fruits have goon beyond food supplement, he said a lot of research have been conducted which shows that Dates content alot of vitamins and essential nutrients which have a significance on individuals especially Muslims observing Fasting. He added that those who break their Fasting with Dates get glucose which help in regaining energy loose during the day.

Dr. Samuel added that Dates also play a significant role in protecting the body against diseases such as Diarrhea, Abnormal cancer, Intestinal disorder, allergies, Night blindness and sexual weakness. It also promotes weight gain, good functioning of heart, maintains good health in nervous system and enegise the bones.

Research also confirmed that Dates contain flourine, and important chemical element that inhabits tooth decay by removing plaque as well as strengthing the tooth enamel.

According to an Islamic scholar Mal. Alqasim Aminu of Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Bauchi, Muslims are recommended to start Iftar ( breaking of Fast ) with odd numbers 1-3 Dates, as it provides the body with sugar, help in restoring low blood sugar after Fasting all day. He added that one of the most common reason for headache or dizzyness during Ramadan is low blood sugar, which is why eating Dates is very beneficial at the start of the Iftar.

Another way to add Dates to your balanced diet is to incorporate them into your sweet recipes during Ramadan, in Middle East, products such stuffed Dates, Dates nur bread and ma’amoul are produce from Dates, and makes a great economically, due to the increase in demand of Date during Ramadan, there is a positive shaft in the market. According to Sani Ahmad Modu a Dates seller at Wunti market Bauchi state. ”the demand of the fruit especially during Ramadan had affected price’.

Dates or Dabino as it was known in Hausa languege is highly recommended for people. In view of it richfull Nutrients contribution to the body not only during Ramadan but throughout the life.

Khadija Kasim Ibrahim from Mass communication Department Abubakar Tatari Ali Polytechnic Bauchi

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