March 10, 2025

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OPINION: Senator Abaribe and Co. Should be Developmentalists, Not Career Critics

By Engr. Haris Jibril


The legendary Karl Marx was not only famous for his radical ideologies and deviation from norm but also for his inability to proffer lasting solutions to the myriad of societal deficiencies he outlined; and it seems the not so legendary Senator Abraribe and his ilk are assiduously treading this retrogressive route of endless criticisms and zero substantial solutions.

It is universally believed that to err is human and preaching the infallibility of any person is an utter folly at its best, President Muhammadu Buhari included, then it is expected that the president might at times drift to the shoulder or lose his way completely hence the need for advisers, and more importantly, senators and representatives for checks and balance.

Against the aforementioned background, it is baffling then for distinguished Senator Abaribe and like minds in the senate to resort to toothless criticisms anytime the president is deemed to have committed an ill when the constitution clearly affords them a greater power and purpose in the affairs of the country as distinguished senators. On the contrary, instead of wading through the murky waters of endless criticisms they can duly and constitutionally, if truly they have the best interest of the people at heart, partner with the president In suggesting means and ways through which the country can be promptly delivered to the promise land; because a hand cannot lift a shingle.

The ACS_Congress calls on the distinguished senators and honorable members to be proactive in responding to the plights and calls of the people and to duly partner with the other tiers of government in charting new and better courses for the betterment of the country.

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