March 10, 2025

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So Much for Love 5

By Maryam Altine Baba


Chapter five

That Tuesday morning, their families were summoned at the village palace. Hopefully a solution would be reached. Zainab walked past the market square alone. She ignored all the questioning glares thrown her way and gave a hoot about those who made them. She made for the house of the village head which was at the far end of the village, as one went towards the Gaji River.

It was a building that although built about two years ago, represented the beautiful culture of the people. It was a fusion of modern art and traditional regalia. Her two sisters were already there, amidst many attendants. She sat close to Asma’u, who had given her a supporting look. She was grateful for that.

She knew she had not been good to her elder sister lately. But she was so engrossed with her thoughts that she barely stopped to think of any consequence to her actions. But the truth was her sisters had always stood by her, whether she made the wrong or right decisions.

All were present; Malam Tijjani’s family, his sister and her family, Malam Shehu, his bosom friend, and almost the whole village came. It was the first case they had had of that nature and wanted to witness it like a landmark building.

The session was aimed at reconciliation.

Malam Tijjani sat with a bowed head as his family’s affair was discussed publicly. He’d hoped he was doing the right thing by giving Zainab what she wanted and not what she deserved. It was hard enough to watch one’s daughter stray, but was more difficult to watch her make the biggest mistake of her life.

Malam Shehu had offered to pay the dowry on behalf of Aliyu, so long as his family accepted Zainab as a daughter in law. But the problem was Ali was nowhere to be found in or around the village. And so was any member of his family.

Asma’u watched keenly. She had suspected all along that Ali’s family was against his relationship with Zainab. But she hadn’t expected that outright rejection, or so it seemed at that time. It was the only logical explanation for their absence.

“Ranka ya dade.” An old gentleman raised a hand and was asked to speak.

“Go ahead Baba Jauro, Speak your mind.” Yaya Ibrahim, as they all addressed the Sarki lovingly gave him permission.

Baba Jauro was an elderly man that walked with the support of his strong stick. He’d been an integral part of the village development and was accorded great deal of respect.

He rose up, “Na gode, ranka ya dade. Being an elder in this community, I would like to say something before this gathering.”

Baba Jauro cleared his throat and then took a long look at Zainab while everyone looked on with their curiosity heightened. He gave a huge smile and patted her with his stick, and to everyone’s surprise and bewilderment said, “Very good my child, Allah Ya miki albarka, may Allah bless you for what you have done!”
There was a momentary silence, then confusion followed suit. People were more confused as some of them wondered if Baba had lost it. There were those who wanted a good show to watch. Others didn’t know what to expect. Everyone looked for a possible explanation to Baba Jauro’s utterance.

The old man turned to Mallam Tijjani with a smirk and asked, “So, how does it feel to be in this situation Tijjani? You see, it is said that what goes around comes around. I believe some call it karma.”

More confusions accompanied with murmuring from the crowd as Baba Jauro gave a dry laugh and continued, “Dadina da gobe saurin zuwa. You didn’t think that you would get away with everything, now did you? Karma has caught up with you. You recalcitrant fool!”

The whole palace was plunged in to pin-drop silence. No one had ever spoken to Malam Tijjani in that manner. Nor was it heard of, that Baba Jauro had ever insulted anyone anywhere. Definitely there was a problem. The Hausas would say ‘akwai lauje cikin nadi’.

“Ehmm, Baba we are here to find solutions to the problems at hand and not aggravate things.” Yaya Ibrahim attempted to bring normalcy to the gathering.

Baba Jauro let out a sinister laugh, “Oh, try all you might. But this man would never get the satisfaction of having an obedient daughter, since he had denied someone else’s years ago. He took away another father’s joys and robbed him of complete happiness. How then can he be happy? How can he?”

The moment got tensed especially when everyone had noticed Malam Tijjani’s complete utter silence. They expected him to respond, say something, deny Baba’s allegations or even shout at the top of his voice in protest to whatever slandering was done to his character.

But he fell silent, with his head still bowed to the ground. It was like he could not face Baba or the gathering. Was it out of respect or really, he was guilty as pointed out. What was wrong with Baba? How could he accuse a man of integrity as Malam Tijjani?

The village head adjourned the hearing to a more suitable date, four days from that day. It will be at Malam’s home and not the Palace.

Malam walked away without as much as a squeak from his throat. If the case had been discussed at his house that day, he would have been saved from that public humiliation.

The people of Gaji village had certainly found what they wanted. They will talk on the day’s topic one would think they have no occupation. Two things were surely going to be on their minds…. why hadn’t Malam Tijjani responded to Baba Jauro, and what was it all about?

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