March 11, 2025

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TALBAN BAUCHI (Tahir Ibrahim Tahir): The unsullied politician

By Tahir Mahmood


Attitude in a nutshell, is the sum total of an individual’s feelings (Affection),beliefs (Cognition) and action (Behavior). It is said to be the strong bridge that enables a man to cross life’s ocean. A man’s positive attitude is like a strong pillar on which a skyscraper stands. A positive attitude is like a blossoming flower, everyone likes to see, feel, think, identify with and talk about it.

This piece is all about Talba’s Unsullied reputation because he is Intact not damaged and he cannot be made dirty by anything. He is Unspoilt, He is Clear and Pure, He is Unadulterated, Unalloyed, Unblemished and He is Untainted that’s why most of those men in power would never lift him up in anyway because they are scared of him outshining them and their children the more, due to his good heart and gifted brain he has and the love he has for the poor. He keep close to the people, He is strong with the people not against the people like them.

The reason why a white and gorgeous horse is well respected and always admired is because of the beauty of it’s regalia. You will never be tired riding it. If your heart can be immaculate in honesty as the body of a clean white horse, people will trust (ride on) you with every pride and prestige, knowing that you are capable of taking the state or country to places (un-imaginable heights), that’s why people trust and respect Talban Bauchi with all their lives because of his Unsullied Reputation like the beautiful regalia of a white and gorgeous horse.

Unalloyed honesty will help to enrich your life because it will make you the hope of your people and the envy of everyone around you. People will look up to you, some would entrust their precious treasures to you without fears, like how people are ready and willing to entrust their leadership to Talban Bauchi Tahir Ibrahim Tahir whenever he comes out to contest for any political position.

A popular saying goes thus, “Except that a barn cannot cook it’s food, it can never go hungry; it’s belly is always full of one grain or another tuber”. Learn to be truthful at all times no matter the degree of damage you must have caused. Keep clean hands at all times; circumcise your heart to reposition for honest and transparent living.a transparently honest heart is kingship, while a dishonest heart amounts to bondage of slavery. You feel very low in spirit if you are being dishonest.

A good name is better than money, silver or gold. A good person will also be a good person since from childhood. I remembered when Talba bought a Car Mercedes Benz 230 to his late father (Dr Ibrahim Tahir) when he Talba -Tahir Ibrahim Tahir was just 18years old. Look at how young he was but send a Benz to his father because the father on a phone conversation told him he wanted to travel but his car spoiled and the engine damaged, so the next day Talba send Tukur with a brand new Mercedes to late Baba Talba as a gift. So tell me how can such a good person be like those other politician that doesn’t even respect their fathers not to talk of elders in the community.

A man with a living conscience like Talban Bauchi Tahir Ibrahim Tahir can hardly be dishonest. He is a hard working person since from childhood and as you know Hard Work is a tonic for one who wants to maximize his potentials. If you hate hard work, you will hate honest success, growth and development, thats why most of our politicians are corrupt and embezzled public funds.

Keep being Unsullied Talba as you are and Sky is your beginning and Heaven is your limit.

Tahir Mahmood (Dahe) is the Ciroma of Talban Bauchi.

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