March 14, 2025

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The exclusive powers conferred on the Emir to appoint or remove tittle holder (I)

By Dalhatu Hamza Alu dan Sidi Bamalli


It is within unfettered and exclusive power of the Emir of Zazzau to appoint or otherwise remove traditional tittles at the Emir’s wish without questioning how and why of such decision.

Traditionally speaking, when a person in the society shows high level of decorum and maturity and is ready to do everything possible to redeem the image of himself, his immediate family, his domain and the said person lives in harmony with fellow beings deserves to be given or accorded with traditional tittle within the comfort of zone of the Emir, but when he suddenly turns out to be wayward or controversial, insurbodinate and pariah despite warnings at regular intervals deserves to be dethroned without seeking anybody’s advice.

Recently, The Emir of Zazzau Ahmadu Nuhu Bamalli had removed Sa’idu Mailafiya and relieved him from his title of ciroman Zazzau in connection with his gravious offences of insurbodination , disloyalty, abetting and aiding against his uncle; The Emir of Zazzau Amb Ahmed Nuhu Bamalli . The same decision can be repeated in the same circumstance. Most of the past Emirs of Zazzau applied the same method of removing deviants for the smooth running of good administration.

– Emir of Zazzau Aliyu Sidi had removed Ibrahm Dankwasau from Madakin Zazzau and confescated two of his concubines. He removed alkalin garka and Madaki Yaro and gave the title of Madaki to Sa’idu his biological son.

– Emir of Zazzau Dalhatu removed Wali Halliru , Iya Abdullahi and Madaki Yaro for reasons based known to himself.

– Ibrahm Dankwasau Emir removed Sa’i Umaru the son of Kasimu son of Emir of Zazzau Sambo and sent him to prison for a reason no one can deny being privy to it.

– Jafaru Emir of Zazzau removed his nephew, the Sarkin ruwan Zazzau sambo, the biological father of late Wali Lawal Sambo and replaced him with a slave (Zagi). The son of this Zagi is still alive and lives in Kaura Zaria. His name is Mallam Suleiman Mamman.

Emir of Zazzau Mohd Aminu removed two brothers at the same instance and within three months of him becoming the Emir. These deposed were Sarkin Ruwa Ibrahm the father of both immediate past and present grandkhadis of Kaduna State. He removed Sa’i Bello Umar the grandfather of Hajiya Maryam Jafaru (Talle) for no obvious reason.

He again removed Dr Nuhu Bayaro from Dan iya. Mohd Aminu also removed Madaki Shehu the son of Dalhatu Emir of Zazzau. He again removed Wakilin magani because of his intimacy with late Nuhu Bamalli Magajin garin Zazzau.

– Emir of Zazzau Shehu Idris had removed Wan’yan Zazzau. He also removed Dukko Gidado from Danburan under the influence and constant criticism and lobbying by the deposed Ciroma .

Another two title holders were relieved viz, Wakilin raya kasa Sa’idu zaria and Ahmad abdu from Wakilin Yaki da jahilci. There were also several attempts to remove Late Engineer Abdullahi Nuhu from ciroman Zazzau for an allege that we know not. Emir of Zazzau Shehu Idris demoted Garkuwan Zazzau to Barwan Zazzau for no apparent justification.

– Emir of Zazzau Bamalli also removed Sa’idu Mailafiya for an obvious insurbodination, disloyalty and conspiracy. In deposed Ciroma’s claim, he brought out these

– That the great grandfather of the present Emir was not from the lineage but rather a mere traditional barber. Barbing is a lawful business. Many past and present princes embarked upon assorted businesses , some were/are sewing clothes, matching mats, selling bread , selling shoes while some sell backbite to earn a living.

Ciroma claims to have known Mallam Abubakar Dadda’u as barber,he even said Dadda’u was the one that circumcised him .
Abubakar Dadda’u was born in 1811 and died in 1893 when the grand father of the deposed Ciroma was not even born ,
When one claims to know about people, alot of people know about him too, When Alu dan Sidi confescated two concubines from Ibrahm Dankwasau, he handled then to two of his children i.e Madaki Sa’idu and Madaki Yaro.

One concubine given to Madaki Sa’idu gave birth to Mailafiya within four months of intercourse. The said Mailafiya is the father of the deposed Ciroma Sa’idu Mailafiya. Can you imagine!
Another thing the reader needs to check his psychology on is how on earth the Barber had in his possession vast land in the heart of zaria being called Filin Mallawa? How on earth all the princely tittles were given to the children of barber by the imaginary great grandfather of the deposed Ciroma such as Dangaladima Abbas and Wali Halliru? Does this mean the deposed Ciroma knows better than the Emir Alu dan Sidi? I don’t think no brain can accommodate this.. How on earth Ciroma Aminu, the son of Wali Halliru became the biggest contender when Emir of Zazzau jafaru died ?

In furtherance, the deposed Ciroma organised a kilisa horse riding in conjunction with some outcast youths who were recently ejected from the palace by reason of becoming thugs . The aim of the horse riding is to create panic and insecurity. The video clip goes viral.
It has been long, deposed Ciroma abstains himself from the palace appearances. When he comes, he remains outside without coming to greet Emir, emphasize his loyalty and show his admiration. He more often comes to outside palace and sheds tears that God mighty has not done justice to them to have have Bamalli as the Emir. It has been the tradition that all the dynasties have leaders to lead the affairs of each dynasty. it happened that late Wambai Abdulkadir Hajji was one time leader of mallawa, when he died Nuhu Bamalli, the father of the present Emir of Zazzau took the mantle of leadership of mallawa dynasty. He summoned to all Mallawa to appear before him in his personal house, those in attendance were Sidi Wakilin wajen Zazzau who happened to be deposed Ciroma’s uncle, and other Ciroma’s brothers which included Abdulkadir Mailafiya and Yusuf Mailafiya etc

The above deposed Ciroma’s brothers and an uncle agreed to terms and conditions but Ciroma alone turns out to be something else. I’m a living witness when Any time and anywhere the deposed Ciroma sees any of Nuhu Bamalli’s children he kneels in respect to greet them and addresses them as Baba.(My Father)

To crown it all, I understand that deposed Ciroma is now trying to create another dynasty beside the existing four rulling houses of Sullubawa, Barebari, Katsinawa and Mallawa since he rejects and denounces the lineage of the present Emir for the agony of failure, hatred, rivalry and jealousy .

The done has been done. As God May have it , even if the Emir is dethroned or die today, history will never reject him as the 19th Emir of Zazzau.

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