March 12, 2025

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The inevitable, fast, and furious technological advancement: how to remain relevant (1)

By Bilyamin Abdulmumin


The dynamism and frequent changes that shape our careers are perplexing. It is thought evoking to find a once booming business into its knees gasping for breath. After the business or a career must have found its feet looking to remain relevant forever only to start crumbling before coming to extinction at the cold hands of modern advancement.

Some of these business owners may find a way to survive by dancing to the tune of the change, however, the other majority will not, they would stick with their guns and ultimately be left chasing shadows

For the benefit of taking a lesson, let’s review some of these scenarios

Smartphones vs other gadgets

When it comes to making careers extinct as a result of modern advancement, sim smartphones are one of the biggest culprits. The advancement of smartphones has made many businesses not so relevant, in some cases taking them to extinction. The smartphone has obliterated virtually any business that has to do with a camera or speaker gadgets: the business of photography, watches especially wrist watches, tapes, and video camera coverage… you name them.

The photography business has once taken sway as a part of social integration. The photography and video coverage had been deriving recognition during ceremonies like weddings or any other low to high profile occasions. However, almost to no one’s prediction, the once-bustling business came to hit the glass ceiling before the downward spiral. Because with smartphones in people’s hands during festivities, ceremonies, or simply fun, the photography business has given the back seat

I once came to a renowned individual, making business in Islamic cassette recording, who was completely taken out of the job. I met him selling traditional medicines. When I sought to feed my curiosity he gave me a simple but emphatic answer: technology. He further told me that all his colleagues around the country have since moved to the local medicine business. No market for them anymore because while any preaching is taking place, people whether present at the preaching venue, or miles away would have the preaches at their fingertips.

Tricycle vs taxi

Another casualty of modern advancement is the taxi business. Taxi drivers had once monopolized intercity transportation. They appeared forever destined to provide the intercity movement for the passengers. So many opportunities have been built around the taxi industry.

However, with the advent of tricycles, the taxi driving business has been put in jeopardy. The advantages of boarding tricycles over buses are to blame; these include time savings because tricycles need fewer passengers before they take off; in instances of gridlock, they can maneuver away from a little space, where the taxis will be locked out. Generally, the appeal for advancement is its cheap, safety, cleanness, and comfort. No one will deliberately opt for a good while he can have the option for a better

YouTube vs film industries

The advent of YouTube has revolutionized many things, this includes how we watch movies, skills, and educational videos. Like other victims of advancement, the film industries are unfavorably affected. However, they made an effort to fight what they see as copyright infringement, piracy. Because to generate minutes views, one YouTuber would just buy one copy of a movie, and upload it on his YouTube account for the other thousands to view. Many customers increasingly rely on YouTube as a source of watching any latest Kannywood movie.

The fate of those film producers was made worse when computer business people known as “yan downloading” found a niche, as their names imply, they would download the latest movie to start sharing (selling) it to everybody for a chicken change like 50 naira. So the film’s practitioners resort to fighting technology like a bull in a Chinese shop, instead of playing to the gallery. When their punches to air appeared not working, many of them accepted the hard reality. They would get YouTube to pay them by creating a youtube account where they upload their videos depending on minutes views. To complement their gain, they allowed the downloading crue to continue but at a fee, they cha on them. To fight any modern advancement is waste of time splitting hair

According to the Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, “change is the only constant in life.” Therefore, to keep one business or career relevant one would not dare fight the change, but embrace it soon as possible. In other words, to protect one’s career from the forces of change, one has to always update himself in order to remain afloat.

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