March 14, 2025

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The inevitable, fast, and furious technological advancement: how to remain relevant (2)

By Bilyamin Abdulmumin

The previous article (1) discussed some scenarios: smartphone vs gadgets, tricycle vs taxi, and Youtube vs film industries, to indicate how modern advancement reduced some careers to not so relevant, in some cases obliterating thém; thanks to the lack of career update or in some cases fighting the advancement by the business owners.

But some, however, are not yet affected, but the handwriting is all over the wall, these businesses include interstate road transportation, cash business, or physical engagement

Train vs road

Since the advent of train technology started in Britain, it changed the world order, all the developed countries adopted it as a form of transportation for both freight and passengers. This is not particularly in Europe and America only but in most Asian developing countries. This development has just been receiving attention in Nigeria. When it finally comes, I cannot imagine the fate of blockchain businesses taking place in motor parks, or the luxurious Industries. This looming advancement of train transportation made some critics associate the luxury buses owners with the tragedy that befell the country of the Abuja-Kaduna train attack some couple of days ago. According to these allegations, the preference for trains over luxurious buses is the reason behind the attack to sabotage the advancement. This was an allegation that had been taken too far. Although I did not fall for it, but, it did inform my thoughts about writing this article.

Cashless vs cash

The idea of a cashless society has been on for a long, with China as undoubtedly the biggest cashless nation. But the development is only rearing its head down here in Nigeria, because of the advantages of being cheap, safe, and more comfortable, there couldn’t be going back only forward with cashless transactions. The current sprawling business of pos comes to mind as the first victims when the cashless development swings into full action.

Digital vs physical engagement

Since the World was thrown into isolation, In 2020, as a result of Coronavirus, many things have come to change the world order, one of them is online engagement. Many works have been carried out from home. Learning also is becoming online. These online engagements make live chart applications such as zoom increasingly become a necessity. Although this development has brought convenience, it still puts some employees at risk because of the technological gap among some employees. it seems the advent of technology takes out jobs, but in reality, it is only a situation of robbing Peter to pay Paul, while some lost their jobs it created whole new opportunities for others

According to the Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, “change is the only constant in life.” Therefore, to keep one business or career relevant one would not dare fight the change, but embrace it soon as possible. In other words, to protect one’s career from the changes forces one has to always update himself in order to play to the gallery of modern advancement.

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