March 10, 2025

Umahi: The face of New Nigeria of our dream.

By Sani Dan Audi


Nigeria is one of the most heterogeneous nation on earth. With diverse Socio-Cultural heritage, Political Arrangements and Economic Activities. Its Indeed a Country that witnessed so many transformational Changes f rom Amalgamation in 1914, London Constitutional Conference Of 1945, Independence in 1960 and upto the current modern day Nigeria.

Over the decades, there has been a recurrent and sustained argument that the Nigerian state, like its counterparts in Africa and other countries of the developing world, underperforms due to lack of state capacity to deal with the contemporary complexities of governance 60 years after becoming an independent and sovereign nation.Governance and political leadership in Nigeria have been driven by self-interest and other primordial considerations, which take priority over that of the public interest. The state has failed in three major areas: security of lives and properties, promotion of the rule of law, and provision of visionary leadership in making Nigeria self sufficient economically ,socially, educationally and otherwise to compete with other first wold countries.

The nature and characters of the political leadership explains the Nigerian state incapacity for effective governance hence the need for all of us to come together beyond the boundaries of religion, tribes and regional sentiments who for decades paid so much prices for the system failure to laid a foundation for new Nigeria ahead of the 2023 Presidential elections.

Religion and politics in Nigeria

Nigeria equally witnessed many watersheds events which were tailored and doctored for either patriotic sake or vice versa, but yet the country stood strong, indivisible and United entity.

Since the inception of what is called Nigeria today , political elites who are united in their course has succeeded in creating a circle of division to denied us good governance using the anpit of religion, tribes and regions only for their selfish interest.

Religion as a faith that should have brought us more closer to our creator has now become a muti-billion dollar industry because most of the religious leaders are now politicians alike as these political interest groups run to them to shop for endorsement and unrealistic Nigerian Youths must wake up to realise that constituting more than 70% of the over 2m Nigerian population is not an illusion but a rare opportunity for us to take action and get involved through none violent approach by ensuring that come 2023 our votes give us a sense of direction for new Nigeria of our dreams.

Power can remain in the hands of an infedor if he is fair and just but it cannot remain in the hands of a believer if he is unfair and unjust. We all know that what govern is the mind and what conquer is the spirit while the greatest weapon of conquering the mind are justice and fair play.

Nigeria should be tagged a country of prayers only but a country that requires implementation of our laid down sound policies of 1962 industrial revolution that advocated for justice, fairness and equity for all through economic and power distribution across Nigeria as an indivisible nation bound in freedom.

Be that as it may, all unfolding events were attested to the search for Good Governance, Even Distribution Of scares resources, Justice, fairness, Peace, Stability and Unity.

The Nigerian constitution

The constitution of the federal Republic of Nigeria is a binded document that contains our agreements that brought us together as one nation called Nigeria in 1960 of which emphasis are placed on equally, fairness and equity for all beyond tribes, religion, regional and political divides but our identity should be our national flag .

As Nigerians not as Yoruba, Igbo, Hausa/Fulani and any other tribes has this to say and this laid down agreement must be respected so that our founding fathers will have peace in their graves that what they laboured , fought and died for is still enforce. I now qoutes: We the people of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, having firmly and solemnly resolved, to provide for a Constitution for the purpose of promoting the good government and welfare of all persons in our country on the principles of Freedom, Equality and Justice, and for the purpose of consolidating the Unity of our people and to live in unity and harmony as one indivisible and indissoluble Sovereign Nation under God dedicated to the promotion of inter-African solidarity, and world peace, international co-operation and understanding. This proved beyond any reasonable doubt that our problems as a nation is never our language barriers , tribes and religion but the inability and failure of the successive leadership in Nigeria to abide by this agreement, enforce laws and implement policies and programs that are practicable and are sustainable.

2023 : Presidency and the Zoning arrangements

As the next Presidential Election draws near, political elites have already started the discussion on Which region, who and where the Presidency should be shifted after President Muhammadu Buhari second tenure that is elapsing in the next two years.

Since the return of democracy after miliary incursion in 1999 zoning form the dominant of our political discourse without regards to credibility, capacity and the competency of those eyeing the highest seat as President of the federal Republic of Nigeria.

India which happens to be one of the closest Nigerian contemporaries are able to overcome the challenges of those divisional tendencies because of leadership and commitment of governance unlike Nigeria where much emphasis are placed on the tribes and religion as against what the leader offer in return if elected President of the populous black nation called Nigeria.

It has been said that it is a country that is very difficult to rule but injustice on the part of the government and the govern if not solve will continue to illude us good governance that will provide the basic necessities of lives like Security, good road network, portable drinking water, free and affordable education, employment and electricity and other too many to mention of which is the sole responsibility of governments at all levels to shop for or facilitate through sound policies and programs in the interest of the well being of Nigeria.

Representation inbalances

Nigeria since inception has been battling with representation inbalances prompting so many agitations from other part of the country who continue to complain of neglect while some regions that has this long opportunity to be at the centre has in most cases failed to provide quality leadership.

For instance,From 1999 to date, We had Former President Obasanjo from the south West region, Later Late Yar’adua of blessed memory from the North and former President Jonathan from South South region leaving South East, North East and North Central. It is very clear now that since we all agreed that in order to sustain the template of peace and equitable distribution of power then South East Presidency is none negotiateble come 2023 as the North has President Muhammadu Buhari running his second term.

The narrative of exclusions been sold against the South East is indeed one of the region major and serious challenge having been as those who are against the existence of Nigeria as a nation. It is very important for us as informed Nigerians to know that there are much differences between an Igbo advocating for restructuring and those advocating for the secession of Nigeria using violent approach of which we all stand against as people who have a constitution and have agreed to lived together in peace as one indivisible and indissoluble nation that is bound in freedom .

The need to support the South East Presidency.

As a Nigerian that believes strongly in this country, I never for once sees the South East as the leadership problems in Nigeria but our major problems are our inability to be united in our course of advocating for good governance in Nigeria as its affects the Youths in Particular. It is on this note that I am saying without fair of contradiction that in Uburu community, Ohaozara local Government area of Ebonyi State South East Nigeria a leader was born 53 years ago to the family of Mr and Mrs Joseph Nweze Umahi who gave birth to the a bigotten son in Uburu community on the 25th July 1963 .

Ebonyi State was created in 1996 but can today compete shoulder to shoulder with many states that were created 40 years ago in just five years of the Uburu born leader called “Dave”.

Indeed Eng. Dr. David Nweze Umahi FNSE, FNATE has change the face of Ebonyi State and has set credence for himself to join the main stream of Nigerian political arena of which he is equal to the task. As a trained Civil Engineer from Enugu State University of Science and Technology was before joining active politics, a founder of Norman Engineering and Construction Nig. Limited with Ombo Isokarari and served as its general manager and chairman and CEO of Brass Engineering & Construction Nig. Ltd, Focus Investment Nig. Ltd., and Osborn La Palm Royal Resort Ltd.

His rich experience as a trained and fellow construction engineer is the reason the State of Ebonyi especially the city centre is referred to as Nigerian Mini Dubai due to the presence of infrastructural development in the State capital of Abalaliki and environs .

The Dave of Uburu community and Nigeria

Eng. Umahi stands like a colossus among men, an intellectual of uncommon sagacity, a truly outstanding leader who is leading Ebonyi State with the fair of God , a political activist of immeasurable influence, a human rights campaigner and a defender who carries out his activities almost to the point of self-abnegation, a freedom fighter who is on the verge of defending the course of Nigerian infrastructural development by sustaining the good work of President Muhammadu Buhari.

Throughout his life, Engr. Umahi has always stood with the people of Nigeria no matter who it may hurts and marched side by side with them made many of our likes undoubtly see him as the future President of Nigeria in no distance time .

Ebonyi State under His Excellency Appostle Engr.Dr. David Nweze Umahi FNSE, FNATE is now a mecca of a sort, where Citizens are treated as Nigerians irrespective of region, tribe, religion, culture or Political disparities.

The Igbos, Hausas, Fulanis, Yarubas and Other tribal groups in Ebonyi State can not be bifurcated, they lived in Peace, harmony, tranquility and trust and all this are attributed to the leadership qualities, style and dexterity of Engr. Umahi. He has institutionalised a Security network beyond speech in the State and he has created an enabling environment for business for all Nigerians irrespective of their backgrounds and ensure that under his watch Ebonyi State never experienced any skirmish, Crises, or Social Conflicts.

As we head towards the 2023 Presidential elections in drastic search for a Pathfinder that will take Nigeria out of the woes, the Uburu born Apostle seems to be the Only available and alternative panacea to the Nigeria chuck of problems. He is an outright definition of a leader, who led by Example and today Uburu community are proud to have produced a son who gave Ebonyans a sense of direction while we call on him to come to main stream so that Nigerians outside Ebonyi State should enjoy similar leadership gesture exhibited in his home state and environs.

I therefore urge Nigerians to not just emulate this worthy son of Uburu community in Ohaozara local Government area of Ebonyi State and Nigeria but should join the wings of the plane of progressives Nigerians in adding their voices in calling on him to join the 2023 Presidential race as the one of the most credible Nigerians alive sharing similar virtues with our late founding fathers of blessed memory.

History will be kind to you and posterity will surely judge you well as been a man of reputes who spent for your lifetime in service to humanity and the nation believing that based on his reach political experience, humanitarian services and contributions to nation building he will add more value to the lives and future of the generation unborn.

Sani Danaudi Mohammed,
Is the National President of “Arewa Youth Advocate for Peace and Unity Initiative.

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